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April 2009

Comparing Infinitest and JUnitMax


As the author of Infinitest, a lot of people have been asking me what the difference is between my tool and JUnitMax. They both run tests continuously. They both are packaged as Eclipse plugins. They both report test errors in the "Problems" view just like compiler errors. In all honesty, their similarities are much more numerous than their differences. So it's hard for me to compare them in a way that's helpful to those that ask.


Compounding this is the fact that we're doing, on average, a couple of releases each week. I don't know if Kent is keeping track of what we're doing, but we're very aware of what he's doing. When it comes to responding to change, I think we do it as well as anyone. So any kind of feature by feature breakdown is likely to be out of date by the time anyone reads it.


There are some differences though, and I think they are significant. Here are three that I think are unlikely to change in the near term:

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